Jumat, 01 April 2011

Global Warming Climate - climate change - much more than you really want to know!

And is now looked on the potential impact heavily on the United States - - global warming - "conventional wisdom", both in terms of how the financial and industrial life: the belief that human emissions of carbon dioxide on the ground in the warm, melting polar ice and the summit Mountain snow accumulation increase the level of the sea - and less of each of the first countries in the world (and especially the United States with significant costs - including the potential loss of employment), and devotes radical changes in our life on our planet from destruction.

In general, under the title "radar screen" address the public interest - and because of the political color in the first year of the technology focused on Obama's health care costs and Stimulous - become a "green" industry in the United States is an important element on the agenda of his government: the Copenhagen Council agreed occur House of Representatives, and the law of "Cap and Trade, and the crime is now the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about the rules and restrictions on industrial emissions, with the imposition of financial penalties of companies, and this has fueled clear from the broad perspective of classical liberalism and faith is one of the attacks on the Intergovernmental Panel International Conference on Climate Change), and is limited to a UN conference in Kyoto in 1988, when Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize for his film (Inconvenient Truth) and the holder on the agenda for choosing Obama is president - yes, including his speech at the UN conference recently in Copenhagen on climate change and climate change, when it committed the United States to adopt stricter limits on emissions of CO2.

Therefore - Climate change: is the main cause of natural disasters or man - What are the scientific truth? Anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuels is certainly evident everywhere: from factory chimneys smoke, car exhaust, pervasive, and foster families, singles, and so on - and even the famous London fog a century ago. Reasonable people can certainly applies to the correlation between global warming (if it is 1, which is what is really happening - and if 2 due to anthropogenic emissions). And the impact of civilization on fossil fuels, Earth's climate

If an excess of ideology (and religion), and the leaders of the liberal of the leading countries in the world to take responsibility (control the United Nations in countries votive world and the second and third - openness to the world's richest first of thousands of millions of dollars that the "compensation of contaminants), and the complexity of Clearly in the Earth's climate talk about the end of the first half - the scientific study of the background to the life-changing regulations imposed on it is too early to judge?

Despite Front large-scale attack, and it seems that the scientific evidence of a good reputation is based, there are three considerations are not worth anything, "take a break":

1) of the Intergovernmental Panel of the United Nations only the phenomenon of global warming in the scientific evidence, and its agenda is clearly to promote research scholarship fund for this belief to support climate, and the organization of global conferences (Kyoto, and now Copenhagen), and the stated goal is the imposition of financial compensation "pollution" in the U.S. Nations and others;

2) a group of serious scholars Note - For those who are interested (I have not seen most of the people here to be) - the diversity and complexity of the climatic factors in the world - including unintended effects, and significant changes in our sun radiates power, and volcanic eruptions and

3), which recently published "cooked" the temperature of the e-mail information "leaked" from one of five comprehensive centers in the world of collecting weather data. East Anglia leaked e-mail messages display examples of concern about the changes and also delete the data are not consistent with the political - as prohibiting the publication of the challenges of skeptics in the peer review.

Some researchers, however, they are ready to advance their career and income is likely that the opposite position (ignore the media usually liberal), including the degree of the incredible American Academy of Science 07 231, a few years ago, to sign the petition, which was held in the risk of rising uncertainties about the wisdom of Rights to global warming, and the agreement on scientific fact, and urged the United States to reject such a position. Al Gore when he won the Nobel Prize for the film, and global warming - - and the reduction of his critics as "a small minority, small - like the one in the landing on the moon and held believe this was written by Arthur D.. And found Robinson and the Institute of Oregon of Science and Medicine in the film to a large extent - - The World is Flat "by the other competitors are honest scientists: Dr. Richard S.. PhD Lindzen. Professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dr. B. Mburj, and the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and Dr..

Parrick Michaels at the Cato Institute, and Dr. Philip Lloyd, President Emeritus of the researcher, Energy Research Center at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Is there a danger of too fast to judge, and three of "This Week" last things:

1. January 23, 2010: "Global warming is the cable Asian - says that global warming has a lot of Arctic ice, and fiber optic cable under the sea in Tokyo and London to a significant reduction in the delay of transmission through the Northwest Passage, but then melted and provides the same article : ". Summer ice melted, the lowest in 2007, compared with the past "- that is to get the cooler hours.

2. 20. January 2010, "2000 was the warmest decade of memory, and a government report" - an exciting way - but in this article, and contradictory statements: "In 2009, the average global temperature of 1.01 degrees above average - - the fifth warmest year - and warmest -2005 1,11 ° '- so it is less hot now and then "Register new seasonal snowfall in Washington and Minnesota," and ". The severe snowstorms in the United Kingdom in 1991 "or" the worst snowfall in 55 years in China ";

3. 21. January 2010: We gave five errors in the report and the mandate of the United Nations on global warming - and scientists accept the Nobel Prize-winning itself - ".. indicate that melting glaciers could Himmalayas in 2035" (the correct date is 2350). Search for the truth to the people and it should be noted that the terminology used in the report of scientists of the United Nations - and not entirely clear, and decorated with equations scientific Newton or Einstein - Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel, "can refer to the melting of glaciers .." without even taking into account the methods of the fear of error terrible in predicting the short term, but more than three and a half-century away, and how can "scientists" use of such statements is vague and inaccurate as a basis for believing that a positive in the phenomenon of global warming - and to justify the billions of dollars in compensation demands emissions of the United States - and the agreement of President Obama to the UN for binding limits of the industry in the United States?

Conditions Summary - try a fair and impartial

Motivated by the desire of opinion on the knowledge of these issues, the controversial political and on the basis (with a high potential for significant impact on the economy of the United States and our way of life of fossil fuels - the United Nations demanding compensation and retaliation included the constraints emerging industrial city of emissions), and dozens of articles of climate scientists on both sides of this issue in this article. Summarized here, the horizontal point shot on most issues, loans and some illustrative examples:

Notes: The Vision Group and overwhelming in the media, universities, governments and the United Nations and the United States, the Nobel Prize Committee, magazines, etc., is that the rising temperatures of global climate change / climate now, of course - caused by cause of persistent type of fossil fuels men emissions - and this is proven scientifically. Against this view, the strength of the tsunami and influence among scientists, ask questions, in particular:

1) Do not Global-warming/climate-change scientifically proven;

2) a complex global climate and is very small with many other factors, and the contribution of anthropogenic emissions compared with a force of nature, such as solar variability and the effects of earthquakes and volcanoes, and others:

3) development of the political agenda of liberal international governance: the United Nations itself, with the Intergovernmental Panel and the Committee on the Nobel Prize;

4) the destination (openly admitted) of the United Nations to carry out costly repairs to the pollutants in the United States and other industrialized countries - with the potential impact of civilization strong reduction of rules and consequences.


1) the cyclical fluctuations in temperature in the course of history, science;

2) Earth is too big and complex and variable factors, it is likely that the details of "cool" two "hot spots" that occur simultaneously in different hemispheres

3) fossil fuels Humanities and CO2 emissions is in fact trivial even "brutal" compared with the results of the Bar of the climate change, in the absence of evidence and the challenge and can be verified;

4) Carbon dioxide is a contaminant, but due to the product of every living organism, it is necessary for plant respiration is important for the process of photosynthesis, and everything that grows on the ground. If all the removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the land dies. Carbon dioxide is only 3.5 percent of greenhouse gases, water vapor is 95 percent. Is absorbed half the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere resulting from human activities on the spot and the biosphere and human activity and adds a small amount - as a whole, the full amount of the people in terms of emissions each year, only one-tenth of one percent (0001).

5) Introduction to compensate for the United States the largest financial and other punishment of the First World - with the limits for industrial efficiency with the "caps" and emission standards - will be as strong as is the case in the true sense, and scientific approach (absolute control over all the details before accepting) take precedence over Introduction of the blind to take the open politically motivated.

Many of the problems in the next challenger to the researchers already mentioned, shows the possible errors also moving quickly to trial, and the complex factors that contribute to global variables:

* Although the stories of melting ice, especially in the Arctic, Antarctic focus - Antarctica - contains ninety percent of the ice on the planet, and found that seventy percent of the fresh water on Earth, and measurements from satellites industrial, and there is more ice in Antarctica 30 years ago.

* Trends cykliske reduce the amount of ice in the Arctic is once again at the end of summer is over. Satellite with a polar orbit clearly shows the size of the ice in the Arctic to climb - 25 percent higher than it is today, two years ago (in a large, but he chose the images from the drastic reductions in Arctic ice seems misleading for several decades).

* E-Books from Bloom, recently in the Wall Street Journal "in the last two million years, the data show, there were ice ages about 60-120000 years ago, and the evolution of the modern world, experience a sudden feverish rights 20 -. long before the chimneys and tailpipes "

* In the history of our country, there were two of the phenomenon of global warming and global cooling - a record of temperature and climate unit and Hadley Research shows that from 1980 to 2009, rising global temperatures at least half a degree Celsius. And 600-900 Age in the Roman era, 200 BC to 600 AD, the atmosphere was warm, dark and cold, and warm up from 900 in 1300, and the last ice age from 1300 to 1850 in the last century, the higher the temperature of the Earth of 0.6 degrees Celsius, but This time, you can see, very cooling cycles, heating and cooling.

* The melting of glaciers is not new. In the "Little Ice Age", 1400-1850, with temperatures cooler than 1600 rising global temperatures are not equal more than 300 years, the retreat of glaciers are unevenly over two centuries.

* Long-wave radiation measurements in production (heat) radiation from the earth budget Watt Space Gallery in an increase of 4 square meters in 1980 and 1990, while the heating cycle of the oceans. However, low expectations of the computer model of long wave radiation - such as sea water. (I like to refer to the models from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Intergovernmental Panel, and inaccurate and unreliable.)

Due to Lindzen, Dr, and provide data counter human greenhouse detailed - - * temperature in all parts of the world is not the result of industrial emissions is a simple man a little: the temperature of the surface, showed alternating refrigeration cycles and high temperature more than a century, cycle is 32 to 35 years - and the Earth is the eighth year and cooling. "During this time, and notes that" increased carbon dioxide levels in a sustained manner. "

* One influence on the strength of the solar wind, a strong relationship between the position (apart from all the support for heating) and the degree of global warming, a powerful land-the solar wind is warmer, and cooling of Earth from the solar wind is weak. Differences in carbon isotope cosmogenic 14:10 ice cores show that the beryllium, and now the solar wind is weaker than the recent measurements by NASA (50 years) - displayed in the devastated country.

* Solar magnetic index is the lowest level ever recorded in 1932 and continues to decline. Pacific is currently in the process of cooling, which should remain for decades. Atlantic is evidence of a slowdown. Warmth of the sun is too weak for the rest of the sessions of the solar system next. Evidence that we do not move to high temperatures cold.

* The temperature of ocean buoys, and more than 3300 world seems to have an average temperature (cold ocean) and consists of 2003;

* Dr. Comments Lindzen also carbon dioxide, "The content of the atmosphere from emissions of carbon dioxide just the sum of four hundredths of one percent (0.0004) growth in the volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the past 150 years is only a hundred percent (0.0001) -. This is a positive impact on plant life and agriculture to increase faster growth with carbon dioxide more (plant and animal interdependence - the exchange of O2 and CO2) to the laws of nature fixed, and usually increases in the atmosphere. carbon dioxide as a result of normal. to reduce the amount of this fraction have a significant impact on global temperatures. "

* In terms of computer modeling, and said: "If global warming continues, the upper troposphere and should be rapidly between 30 degrees north and south of warming Ecuador, but does not show the measurements balloon weather during the past 50 years that global warming, showing that . and the computer of the Intergovernmental Panel for models not only predict the weather, it seems mainly a marketing tool for universities and research institutions to fund scholarships -..

"The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, for the team, at the end of 1980 and generated" evidence "on human use of fossil fuels, global warming is scientifically from the outset, an organization at all, but: * Critics say the purpose of forming a political party and agenda, and the real goal is to capture political power in the First World countries, and agreements on climate change -. handle the legal authority to give the United - to convince some of the institutions of the survival of the United wealth-sharing in developed countries -. The term "religious climate" against countries in the world Third, the criteria "

* Use strong words to describe the journey from the e-mail messages: "It's a climate scandal e-mail messages prove better in the ambition blind to some scientists that global climate - and in the worst case of criminal activity in the response of many. The traditional media, has shown the United States to be extremely useful, it does not report a story or to make climate experts e-mail messages showed that the defense of the removal of scientific data, and denied, and then request free information - .. delete the e-mail messages relevant to the applications -. Crime of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and ignoring the efforts also download information, as it appears from the e-mail messages to senior climate researchers, a small but powerful use its high distortion of climate change science. changes themselves. "

Announced substantial "risk" to human health - * Open Copenhagen, said that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency the power and authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. Because the United States are calling for the carbon economy to a large extent almost of the Environmental Protection Agency, which was organized in the country: more than 250 thousand tons of C02 emissions of institutions - schools more than a million, hospitals, institutions and companies.

* Dr. Lloyd and especially for the power of the Intergovernmental Group of the United Nations: "The IPCC and deployment summary for policy makers, four months before the scientific report itself (which is supposed to) and dissemination, and is not necessary to list all the changes I have. And what scientists say is the truth , and what did the politicians who wrote the summary for policy makers -. "the poor so that it corresponds with the result of fraud and power, and should receive the Intergovernmental Group of junk to be removed have been identified. "

Finally, Dr. Lloyd: "Everything leads us to the Copenhagen Conference of the phenomenon of global warming, where Obama promised the support of the United States, there were 193 countries to discuss the threat of global warming on our planet, and what can be done ... The goal is to develop a comprehensive agreement that expanded and extended to the Kyoto Protocol, an international organization that can influence and monitor the efforts of all States to make to reduce their emissions of CO2.

Global warming non-believers, in their way of saying, for all the peoples of the world as they live their lives. However, there is no guarantee of $ 30000000000 in three years, and the first goal of the $ 100 billion over ten years and every year - a large number. Developing countries in the area of ​​climate change increase in the huge financial - under the guise of "preserving the environment,] [that of developed countries (especially the United States of America), and the transfer of assets to the rich for them."

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